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Anusol HC Ointment 15g

Anusol HC Ointment 15g

Anusol HC Ointment 15g

Product Description

An ointment to soothe the itch and irritation associated with haemorrhoids.

Anusol plus HC ointment is specially designed to deal with the uncomfortable symptoms associated with haemorrhoids (piles). Piles are swollen blood vessels that can be found inside or around the edge of the anus, and can occur during pregnancy, after constipation or simply because it's hereditary (runs in your family).

Anusol contains five active ingredients which all work together to relieve the symptoms of piles. These are hydrocortisone acetate, a steroid which works to reduce inflammation, zinc ocide to soothe and protect, bismult salts and benzyl benzoate which act as a mild antispectic, and finally balsum Peru to protect sore areas and aid healing. This ointment is easy to apply and can provide instant relief for those living with haemorrhoids.

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